
Transformers: The Game

July 3, 2007

Another movie, another video game based on the movie. We’ve all seen them, from the craptacular “Enter the Matrix” to the stellar Spiderman 2, if a buck can be made on a movie tie-in, chances are someone will do it and Transformers is no exception. Has quality been ignored in favor of shelling out the game fast enough? I don’t think so.

For starters, Peter Cullen does the voice for Optimus, so there is some justice in the world. A brief dialogue gives you the synopsis for the movie and the game: Find the Allspark! The graphics are decent enough to be worth looking at and the cutscenes are long enough and good looking to make it worthwhile, but short enough to not make it a chore to watch them.

The gameplay itself is decent. Once again you are pit in a sandbox environment that is yours for the exploring. The environment is destructable, which can make for a good time if you are feeling in a “giant rampaging robot” kind of mood. As a icon of your childhood, you have the ability to transform at will, which is a fun feature and helps you get from point to point faster. The missions naturally help progress the story with the option of the revisiting old missions. There are a few side missions that can be done for fun, but don’t offer anything in the way of plot advancement.

The nice thing about the game is that you can play as both the Autobots and Decepticons.  While the basic controls are the same, the gameplay differs slightly depending on the side you choose. The Autobots are looking to preserve the world so the game wants you to play as such, avoiding going on a rampage as your team struggles to survive and avoid the local authorities… At least you look awesome as you run away from peashooters and not destroy houses. The Decepticons revel in their violence and the game rewards you appropriately. From the very first mission you are set with the task of destroying the structures these bags of meat hide in. Explosions abound make the Decepticons my current favorites to play.

Replay value is given in the form of extras. In each level are tons of energon cubes, the side missions, tasks, and icons to find. Each one helps to unlock some extras in the bonus section, such as movie stills, comic book covers, and movies. Finding all of these help to add to the fun, but the railroading of missions helps to progress the story, but not add much replay unless you enjoy being a large, rampaging robot.

 The one big fault of the game is the camera. The Wii likes to use the pointer to show where you are looking at. You also shake the wiimote to attack,which can present a conflict of interests if you are trying to look at your enemy. You’ll find yourself going one way while the enemy goes the other. The targeting is a little shaky as well, but steady once you lock onto something. Fortunately, the minus button acts as a centering tool and plenty of life replenishment help while you adjust to the learning curve.

 All in all, Transformers: The Game is a solid movie platformer as far as that genre goes. Some of the controls take getting used to and the in-play graphics are not state of the art, but it is still a fun game to play. Some extras give it replay value, but may not draw everyone back to play through more. The ability to play both sides is a great touch and helps add to replay where the lure of extras may not. All in all, I’d give it a 7/10. There’s better stuff out there, but if you are a fan of the franchise this is a fun game to make the choice: Save the world, or awesomely blow it up.



New Batman Suit and Joker’s Car!

June 15, 2007

Looks to me like they modeled the suit after a previous action figure… Joker’s car looks fitting

newbatmansuit.jpg     clowncarspy.jpg


Here’s a new Hi-Res photo of the suit…



Stan Lee Signs with Disney

June 6, 2007

I’m not entirely sure what to think of this…

The Walt Disney Studios has entered into an exclusive multi-year first look deal with “Spider-Man” creator and producer Stan Lee and his production company POW! Entertainment, it was announced by Dick Cook, chairman, The Walt Disney Studios.

Under the terms of the agreement, Lee and his production company will develop and produce all forms of entertainment. “As the father of such renowned comic book heroes as Spider-Man, The Hulk, X-Men among others, Stan is considered one of the most creative and inventive forces in the industry today. His innate talent of tapping into the human qualities of his super hero characters has certainly struck a chord with generations of audiences and readers around the world,” stated Cook in making the announcement. “We are honored to be working with someone as formidable as Stan and his production company and welcome them to the Disney family.”

“It’s like the realization of a dream. Ever since I was a young boy, Disney represented the best and most exciting film fare to me. And now, many decades later, with movies such as their incredible Pirates of the Caribbean spectaculars, Disney is still at the forefront of family entertainment, excelling in live action, animation, TV, theme parks — whatever it takes to bring fun and fantasy to audiences everywhere. I look forward with indescribable enthusiasm to being a part of that world and contributing whatever I can to keep the legend alive and growing,” said Stan Lee, chairman of POW! Entertainment.

To read the rest of the article, click here.


World of WarCraft Addiction

June 6, 2007

Lately, I’ve been on a World of WarCraft kick.  Within the past week, there’s been several days where I come home from work around 6:30 and some times don’t finish playing until almost 4:00 in the morning.  Sad?  Yes, I know.  But because I am aware of the situation, I decided to do some research and see how dangerous this growing obsession could become.

Here’s a frightening article that opened up my eyes a bit…


A Korean husband and wife are facing criminal charges after their baby daughter died when they left her alone in order to play World of Warcraft.

According to news site Chosun, police say the parents left their four month-old child alone in a bedroom while they went to play the MMORPG at a local Internet cafe.

When they returned five hours later, the baby was lying on her stomach and had died of suffocation.

“We were thinking of playing for just an hour or two and returning home like usual, but the game took longer that day,” the couple is reported as saying.

Following a police investigation, the husband and wife will be required to defend their actions in court.

“It’s unfortunate, because the tragedy could have been averted if the couple had just left their daughter with Yu’s mother-in-law, who lived upstairs from them,” said police.

“We booked the pair on criminal charges, judging that when you consider the situation, they were responsible for their daughter’s death.”

HOLY CRAP!!  I don’t have kids, but if I did – I wouldn’t want them to die because I was running around Razorfen Kraul looking for BlueLeaf Tubers.  That’s just flat out neglect.  You didn’t even have time to take your kid upstairs?  I’m all for Father/Son bonding, so if anything, I’d help my kid create a character so he could help me clear out some dungeons.  If he’s too young, he can sit on my lap and watch.  Same goes for my hypothetical daughter.

Through further research, I also found this following article

Doctor: 40% of World of Warcraft players addicted

Twitch Guru talks with a clinical psychologist and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Maressa Orzack (pictured), who believes 40% of the 6 million World of Warcraft subscribers are addicted to the game. Said the doctor: “I think there needs to be warning labels on MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, similar to warning labels on cigarettes. People should know that these games are potentially harmful. I’m sure the game industry will be up in arms over it, but that’s what I’d like to see happen.”

Any readers purposely avoid the game because of its widely believed addictive nature? Furthermore, does a game, if abnormally addictive, warrant a warning label?

Like I said earlier, I’ve been playing a lot lately.  With these previous articles in mind, I want to make sure this will not cause damage to myself, loved ones, or hypothetical loved ones.  Luckily, I found a “Are You Addicted to World of Warcraft?” test on OkCupid… creditability aside, it still helped me gauge my possible addiction.  Turns out I’m only 39% addicted!  Good enough for me!  That’s not even half!  I’m okay so far!  Guess I can go on and keep playing!  Yep!  No problems here!  Did you say something about denial?  I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.

I understand that some of you out there may already have a far worse WoW addiction than myself.  Whether you’re aware of it or not, I suggest you check out the WoW Detox site to get some help.

Ladies, some of you may have a significant other that suffers from WoW addiction.  I point you to WikiHow for some good advice on How to Stop Your Boyfriend from Playing World of Warcraft.

I hope this information was helpful to anyone out there who has had encountered WoW Addiction.  Please, use this information.  There’s no need for more babies to die.  I’ve confronted my problem – you should do the same.


thunder… Thunder… THUNDERCATS!! HO!!

June 6, 2007


First Transformers – now Thundercats!  It looks like the 80’s animated action tv shows could be the new wave of awesome blockbuster movies.  All we need now is  live-action Jetsons, Johnny Quest, Carebears, and Smurfs movies and we’ll be all set!

Studio has optioned a script by tyro scribe Paul Sopocy to turn the popular 1980s animated series and toy line into a live action feature.

Warner-based Paula Weinstein will produce through her Spring Creek Prods. banner, along with Dick Robertson and Lew Korman.

Property revolves around a group of humanoid cats (with feline names like Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro and Cheetara) who must flee their planet of Thundera after it’s destroyed. Once crash-landing on another planet, Third Earth, they must thwart Mumm-Ra, an evil sorcerer, bent on killing them off.

Sopocy has written the script as an origin story expanding on the major heroes and villains from the animated series, with the plot focusing on Lion-O coming of age as the leader of the Thundercats.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

mmmm…. Cheetara….


StarCraft II is Coming!!

May 29, 2007

And it’s about time!  For those of you familiar with Blizzard and their popular game series like Diablo, WarCraft, and StarCraft – you’ll be happy to know that they’ve finally announced the highly anticipated StarCraft 2.  To read up on it, check out the site by clicking here.


Click the pic to enlarge.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars Trailer!!

May 27, 2007

This is the new CGI Animated Series that comes out in 2008.  Need I say more?  Go here.


Guitar Hero… a decade of hair…

May 24, 2007

The wildly popular Guitar Hero series of video games will not only be shipping a 3rd version later this fall, but there will be another, I guess gap filler, this summer as well!

This summer will bring us: Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s.

So far the track list includes tracks like:
I want Candy
Round and Round
I Ran
I Wanna Rock

There were other songs listed in an article by Gamespot, but most of them I never heard of, or will only recognize their chorus.

check it out here.

— Posted by Joe


Lost Season 3 Finale

May 24, 2007

Okay, I retract my rip on Lost that was in my previous Heroes finale post…

Lost Season Three Finale – BEST LOST EPISODE EVER!!  Nothing to review… it encapsulated awesome.  What more can be said than “WTF?!  OMFG!!”  The good part is that our survivors finally have control over they’ve feared over the past two seasons – The Others.  The bad part is that in turn, our survivors have invited a brand new threat to the island… probably.

Now the fun part… theories, predictions, etc.

1) Ben’s warning about Naomi – about her not being who she said she was.  I say, he’s right.  Ben wiped out the entire original Dharma Initiative that was on that island.  I’m willing to bet that there’s other Dharma folk that are off the island and probably really kinda pissed.  Ben managed to hide the island from them via The Looking Glass and whatnot, but let’s face it – who else in the real world would actually even know where the hell to look for the island?  The Dharma Initiative – that’s who.  As for Penny, she’s still operating independantly and still has no clue.

2) Charlie.  Yes, the island does have the ability to heal people, but I believe Charlie will not be back.  If he were to live, it would completely defeat the purpose of his story arch this season.  It’s possible we could still see him steal a trick from Boone and appear in flashbacks, or flash-forwards, or other peoples’ visions… but Charlie’s death was heroic, poignant, and not in vein.  Not too bad for a former heroine addict.  Way to go, Charlie!  (Desmond… you douschebag… always check to make sure eye-patch man is DEAD!!!… seriously…)

3) Jacob.  Who is Jacob?  My theory is that Jacob is to the Others as Walt is to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.  They are the “Voices of the Island” for each of their proper groups of people.  Why they are chosen?  We don’t know yet… but I’m sure we’ll find out… some time… later… two seasons from now… maybe… ??

4) Jack’s Ultimate Demise.  Will he really end up a lost, near crazy, oxycodone-addicted, alcoholic frequent flyer?  Or should we expect more flash-forward episodes in the future that give Jack a happy ending?  I hope for the latter.  If that’s how Jack ultimately turns out – everything he does over the next two or three seasons will make me feel really, really, really sorry for him.  Here’s to Jack finding peace in a rehabilitation clinic!

5) Locke and the Island… *sigh*… I don’t even know where to begin.  The island definately has some sort of immense power that needs to be protected.  And Locke is not really acting for the Others or for the survivors at this point… as Walt said, he has work to do.  Which leads me to believe the Island itself could possibly have it’s own consciousness, voicing that conciousness through Walt and Jacob, and now also using Locke to act out it’s will.  Could the island’s conciousness be what the black smoke is?  Is that what Dharma is after?  Or what they created?  Far fetched?  Maybe… but as this show has proven time and time again – anything is possible.

With that, all I have to say is that despite all the criticisms and negative press the show has received over the past season – the writers know what they’re doing.  They have a plan,  and so far, their plan is working… because I’m definately going to be back for season four.  Go Hurley!!! 


Heroes Finale

May 23, 2007

From the reactions I’ve seen, it seems the opinions on the finale of Heroes are just as mixed as the reviews of Spider-Man 3.  Here’s what I say…

Since before the show even started, the writers and producers made it clear that this show was about real people discovering extraordinary abilities – and they’ve held true to that all the way through the first season.  It’s about telling a good story with interesting characters.  Action is not the main focus.  Although being the genre that it is, it does lend itself to action from time to time.  However, the writers do an excellent job of not letting the action get out of control.  They keep it grounded in reality as much as they can.  This is why some people were disappointed in the Peter/Sylar confrontation – because it wasn’t an all out, special effects, action-packed brawl they were hoping for.  Even I was hoping for it, but am I disappointed I didn’t see it?  No… well, maybe just a little, but more so… No.  The story and the characters are more important.  Each and every one of the characters completed their own arch for this story – everything came full circle.  Unlike some series that leave you with a bazillion unanswered questions and only answer a couple of them two seasons later, Heroes gives you the resolution of the main story, with enough tiny intriguing tid-bits as well as one major setup for the next season.

Heroes – Congratulations on a job well done!  Looking forward to Volume Two!